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Annual Report 2023GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 2Contents 5 6 8 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 From the Director The Graphene Flagship sets sail for new horizons Graphene and 2D materials in photonics: A revolutionary leap in technology SPEARHEAD PROJECTS 2D EXPERIMENTAL PILOT LINE 2D-EPL: Creating an ecosystem for 2DM integration Wafer Scale Growth Wafer Scale Transfer Wafer Scale Integration Modules for the Industry 2D Pilot Line Management Europe in the Lead COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTION GrapheneEU Flash Graphene: Trash to Treasure ENERGY ARMS GRAPHERGIA BIOMEDICAL MUNASET 2D-BioPAD ELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS GATEPOST 2DNeuralVision Next-2Digits Exploring the Marvels of 2D Materials COMPOSITES GIANCE 2D MATERIALS OF TOMORROW 2D-PRINTABLE 2D ENGINE 2DSPIN-TECH SAFE BY DESIGN SAFARI Empowering Innovation through Standardisation From the Science and Technology Officer GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3INTRODUCTION Passing the baton: Former Graphene Director Jari Kinaret (right) congratulates current Graphene Flagship Director Patrik Johansson on a successful Graphene Week 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden. GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 4INTRODUCTION From the (new) Director HE LAST YEAR was nothing like any of the preceeding years for the Graphene Flagship. We celebrated the first ten years of the project as we closed Core 3, and with it the single-pro- ject structure of the Flagship. The five-day final review and the broader assessment of the past decade meant a lot of hard work by many. In the end, I think we can proudly say that we have delivered beyond expectations and given European tax-payers extremely good value for their money. It was not a true ending, but nevertheless a feeling of departure for many in the community – the end of the Graphene Flagship as we knew it. NEW HORIZONS The past year was also a bright new beginning – the existing 2D-EPL was joined by twelve new research and innovation projects gathered under the GrapheneEU CSA to shape the future of the Graphene Flagship. The transition to this organisa- tion, as all transitions, has meant plenty of challenges but also revitalised the awareness of who we are and why we do what we do in our community. We are not yet finished gathering up all “old” and new elements at full strength for the future endeav- ours of the Graphene Flagship, so we will continue that work. Combined, we truly are part of the solution to many of the problems Europe is facing at large. We will need to use not only the hard data and scientific and technological advances that we have gathered together, but perhaps even more import- antly, the personal interactions that have created trust and a playground for cross-fertilisation of ideas to forge the future of 2D materials innovation. Last but not least, we should not forget that one of our “exports” in 2023 – former Graphene Flagship Director Jari Kinaret – will play a key role in establish- ing European industrial independence through his leadership of the Chips Joint Undertaking. COLLABORATIONS During 2024 we will see our community re-form and gather strength. One particularly important avenue, apart from the Graphene Flagship itself and our Graphene Week conference in Prague in October, will be the Innovative Advanced Materials for Europe partnership. This partnership, drafted with a lot of input and background from our community, is now an official “candi- date partnership” in the Second Horizon Europe Strategic Plan. Indeed, looking a bit broader, there are three strategic orienta- tions made therein by the European Commission (EC): the green transition, the digital transition, and a more resilient, competi- tive, inclusive and democratic Europe. For all of these, the EC stresses that securing Europe’s leading role in developing and deploying critical technologies is an overarching principle. I’m sure this is something we all can agree to work towards beyond 2024 and even beyond Horizon Europe. Patrik Johansson Graphene Flagship Director T GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 5UILDING ON A DECADE of success, the Graphene Flagship has now continued its journey under the European Commission’s Horizon Europe funding programme. In 2023 the single project that had sailed through the EC’s FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes crossed the finish line with a series of cele- brations of its remarkable results in terms of research outputs and commercialisation success. In October, the Flagship split into a fleet of separately funded projects. Bringing together 118 academic and industrial partners in 12 research and innovation projects and 1 coordination and support project, the Graphene Flagship will continue to advance Europe’s strategic autonomy in technologies that rely on graphene and other 2D materials with the common goal to commercialise graphene. The GrapheneEU Coordination and Support Action (CSA) ensures that the Graphene Flagship stays the course, providing a link between the past, present and future (see page 22). The projects work on applications in key areas from compo- sites and energy to biomedical and electronics. Fundamental work on emerging two-dimensional materials is also being addressed in our 2D materials of tomorrow projects. Research into health and safety will continue to be an integral part of the initiative. TAKING THE HELM With this new phase of the Graphene Flagship comes new leadership. Patrik Johansson, formerly Vice-Director for the project, has stepped up as the new Graphene Flagship Director. “I’m excited to see the 2D materials community in Europe continue to grow with the launch of the new Horizon Europe projects. It will be interesting to see the new ideas that come from this latest European investment in graphene and other 2D materials,” Johansson says. HORIZON EUROPE The Graphene Flagship is funded by the European Commis- sion’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (see page 18), which puts a strong emphasis on tackling climate change and addressing the United Nations’ Sustain- able Development Goals. Each project within the initiative is committed to creating a more sustainable, more environ- mentally friendly Europe by creating alternatives to scarce or conflict materials, creating more efficient technologies, strengthening our energy infrastructure and more. Learn about each project’s sustainable solutions in their respec- tive sections. Furthermore, the programme facilitates collaboration, strengthening the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports the creation and dissemination of excellent knowledge and technologies. Collaboration will remain a cornerstone of the Graphene Flagship, largely facilitated by GrapheneEU whose activities will provide opportunities for collaboration, knowledge transfer and community building. Events like the annual Graphene Week conference will continue to draw the broader graphene and 2DM community together. ABOUT GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP B The Graphene Flagship sets sail for new horizons GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 6MEET THE NEW FLAGSHIP Bringing together 118 academic and industrial partners across 13 projects, the Graphene Flagship continues to advance Europe’s lead in technologies that rely on graphene and other 2D materials. ABOUT GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP Finally, Horizon Europe will create jobs, fully engage the EU’s talent pool, boost economic growth, promote industrial competitiveness and optimise investment impact within a strengthened European Research Area. A DECADE OF SUCCESS The Graphene Flagship was funded to ensure that Europe would maintain its lead in graphene research and innovation following the scientific breakthrough of graphene’s isolation at the University of Manchester. The European Commission launched the unprecedented long-term and large-scale Flagship research initiatives to tackle major challenges in science and technology, bringing positive changes that benefit society and the economy and advance European leadership in technology and industry. A decade on, we are proud to say that the Graphene Flagship has delivered on its promise. The clearly achieved objectives within scientific excellence, as well as societal and economic impact are detailed in the report, Ten years of research, innovation and collaboration: the Graphene Flagship and the 2DM community. MEETING NEW CHALLENGES Despite changes in our funding structure and the make up of our community, the Graphene Flagship’s core mission to commercialise graphene remains unchanged. From sensors for self-driving cars to Alzheimer’s diagnostics systems, power supplies for e-textiles to more effective batteries, 2DM technologies will reshape the future. Moreover, work on novel 2DM will broaden the scope of materials science, creating new opportunities for the future. The CSA industrialisation team provides a link between the past, present and future activities in standardisation, roadmapping, business development and industry outreach. Their experience will accelerate the projects’ commercialisation success, helping them to make their mark on European industries. The CSA faces a further challenge to connect the past and present Graphene Flagship partners in a collaborative community. To this end, the association mechanisms that existed in the previous phase will be continued and improved. The Graphene Flagship will not only encourage past partners to associate to the initiative but will also foster collaborations with other EU funded projects, bringing them in as partnering projects in the initiaive. Collaborations with additional agen- cies, like ISO, REACH-ECHA and others will continue, as will the international workshops that facilitated discourse on 2DM topics with experts around the world. As the Graphene Flagship sails on to new horizons, we look forward to growing our community and expanding our impact on 2DM research and innovation, European thought leadership and eventually, everyday consumers. Graphene Flagship Electronics and Photonics GATEPOST 2DNeuralVision Next-2DIGITS Safe by design SAFARI GrapheneEU Energy ARMS GRAPHERGIA Biomedicine MUNASET 2D-BioPAD 2D materials of tomorrow 2DSPIN-TECH 2D ENGINE 2D-PRINTABLE Composites GIANCE GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 7N THE VAST LANDSCAPE of modern science and technology, graphene and two-dimensional materials (2DM) have emerged as game-changers, revolutionising industries with their remarkable properties and diverse applications. Among the myriad fields benefiting from their extraordinary characteristics, photonics stands out as one of the most promising domains. Photonics, the science and technology of generating, detecting and controlling photons, has found new avenues for innovation and advancement through the integration of graphene and 2D materials. In this article, we delve into the captivating realm of photonics and explore how graphene and 2D materials are reshaping its landscape, opening up unprecedented possibilities and paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries. THE GENESIS OF GRAPHENE AND 2D MATERIALS Before delving into their applications in photonics, it’s imperative to understand the foundational aspects of graphene and 2DM. Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, garnered widespread attention following its isolation in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, earning them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. Since then, graphene has captivated researchers worldwide due to its extraordinary mechanical, electrical and optical properties. Moreover, the family of 2D materials extends beyond graphene, encompassing semiconductors like transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), and other layered materials, each possessing unique attributes that make them ideal candidates for various applications (see page 40). HARNESSING GRAPHENE AND 2D MATERIALS IN PHOTONICS Photonics, with its focus on the manipulation of light, benefits immensely from the remarkable properties offered by graphene and 2DM. These materials have opened up new avenues for the development of photonic devices with enhanced performance, efficiency and versatility. Let’s explore some of the compelling uses of graphene and 2D materials in photonics applications: Photodetectors Graphene-based photodetectors have garnered significant interest due to their exceptional sensitivity, high-speed response and broadband absorption characteristics. By integrating graphene with other 2DM or heterostructures, researchers have developed photodetectors capable of operating across a wide range of wavelengths, from ultraviolet to infrared. These devices find applications in optical communi- cations, imaging systems and sensing technologies, offering unparalleled performance and reliability. Light Modulators Graphene’s unique ability to control the absorption and transmission of light makes it an excellent candidate for optical modulators. By applying an external electric field, the optical properties of graphene can be dynamically tuned, enabling the modulation of light intensity with ultrafast response times. This capability is instrumental in the development of high-speed optical communication systems, optical switches and integrat- ed photonic circuits, where rapid signal processing is para- mount. Optical Sensors The exceptional sensitivity of graphene and 2DM to external stimuli makes them ideal candidates for optical sensing applications. Whether detecting minute changes in environmen- tal conditions, biomolecular interactions or gas molecules, graphene-based sensors offer unparalleled performance in terms of sensitivity, selectivity and response time. These sensors find applications in diverse fields, including healthcare, Graphene and 2D materials in photonics: A revolutionary leap in technology I PHOTONICS GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 8environmental monitoring and industrial process control, facilitating real-time, label-free detection with high accuracy. Light-Emitting Devices While graphene itself is not a direct emitter of light, its integration with other 2DM in heterostructures has enabled the development of novel light-emitting devices. TMDCs such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2 ) and tungsten diselenide (WSe 2 ) exhibit strong photoluminescence properties, making them suitable for applications in optoelectronics and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). By combining graphene with TMDCs in hybrid structures, researchers have demonstrated efficient light emission with tunable properties, paving the way for next- generation display technologies and optoelectronic devices. Optical Waveguides and Modulators Graphene’s exceptional optical transparency and high carrier mobility make it an attractive material for integrated photonic circuits. Graphene-based waveguides and modulators offer low insertion losses, high-speed operation and compatibility with existing silicon-based platforms, making them promising candidates for on-chip optical interconnects and data commu- nication systems. Moreover, the flexibility and scalability of graphene-based photonic devices enable the realisation of compact, energy-efficient solutions for diverse applications in telecommunications and computing. CHALLENGES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS While the integration of graphene and 2D materials has unlocked unprecedented opportunities in photonics, several challenges remain to be addressed. Issues such as scalability, device reproducibility and interface engineering pose signifi- cant hurdles to the widespread adoption of these materials in commercial applications. Moreover, the development of scalable fabrication techniques, reliable material quality control and efficient device integration strategies are essential for transitioning from laboratory demonstrations to practical implementations. Looking ahead, ongoing research efforts focus on overcoming these challenges and exploring new avenues for innovation in graphene- and 2DM-based photonics. Emerging concepts such as van der Waals heterostructures, quantum confinement effects and hybrid nanophotonic platforms hold immense promise for advancing the frontiers of photonics and unlocking new functionalities. As researchers continue to unravel the mysteries of these fascinating materials, the future of photonics shines brighter than ever, propelled by the trans- formative potential of graphene and 2DM. The marriage of graphene and 2DM with photonics represents a paradigm shift in the way we generate, manipulate and harness light. From photodetectors and modulators to sensors and light-emitting devices, the integration of these extraordi- nary materials has unlocked a plethora of opportunities for innovation and discovery. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of science and engineering, the synergistic interplay between graphene, 2DM and photonics will continue to drive technological advancements, shaping the future of communication, sensing, imaging and beyond. With each breakthrough bringing us closer to realising the full potential of these remarkable materials, the journey towards a brighter, more connected world accelerates. Hybrid graphene/TMD structures can be used to create novel light-emitting devices. PHOTONICS GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2023 9Next >